H&M Jeans - I just needed some cheap jeans (and they were just €9,95 - so even cheaper than I was looking for), they're a bit strange, though. There's no zipper in front and there are no pockets. It closes on the side (with a zipper) - so maybe it's more jegging-like.
H&M skirt - It looks a bit boring right now, but when worn it's pretty cute. :)
Oasis 'sort of' dress - It's not a dress, it's more like a very very long tanktop that thinks it's a dress. When worn on it's own it looks a bit plump, but when worn with a cardigan or blazer it looks quite cute. I'm still not sure about this 'dress', but hey, it was on sale for just 6 euros and it was just too cute to leave it.
No 'daily outfit'-photo for today, since I was in a cleaning-mood and only wore some jeans and a Madness band-tee, so nothing interesting to see. ;)
Madness - House of Fun (they are so much fun when you see them on stage!)
Dat jurkje/topje is echt amazing!