So, today is the second day of a new year, new chances a fresh start. Since I haven't updated my blog for a week, I'll make a late 'trip down memory lane'-list. Because I like making lists and I like to think about what I've done in 2010. :)
Well, 2010 was quite a year for me. Loads of things changed, did awesome things and great things happened. In 2010:
- I lost
25 fucking kilos. Yes I did!

How I used to look and how I look now (together with Shantel, yeah!)
- I climbed the Eiffel Tower (and
not lazy-like by taking the elevator!)
- I saw Eels play in Tivoli
- I turned 18
- I catched a Snow Patrol plectrum and setlist at their concert
- I went to Disneyland Paris for the fourth time
- I realized that falafel is GREAT
- I went to Rock Werchter

Tried to make a moustache with my hair, but failed
- I bought the Smashing Pumpkins on vinyl for €1,50 at a flea market and found out that it's almost worth $300 dollars on the internet
- I saw Dalì's version of the Venus of Milo in real life (Dalì is one of my favourite artists)
- I saw Dave Grohl (I'm a huuuuuuge Nirvana fan, so the moment I saw Dave Grohl on stage is now very precious to me ;) )
- I really learned the 'art' of budget-shopping
- I went to crazy parties and threw one myself

NYE-party with friends
- I was able to really enjoy swimming in public for the first time (because I'm now more confident about my body)
- I discovered the art of 'dance improvisation', in other words: dance like a lunatic with your friends in public places, haha!
- I had the best conversations of my life
- I met the strangest people ever (for example; a man in a Borat bathing suit, do I need to say more?)
- I met the coolest people ever
- I learned to walk 11cm heels
I hope that 2011 will even be better than 2010 was. I can say now that in 2011:
- I want to get my driver's license
- I hope I'll pass my final exams
- I want to lose an other 5 kilos
- I hope that Eels is coming to Holland again (they just announced a 2011 tour!)
- I'm going to university to study law
- I'm going to try to save more money and don't spend it like my bankaccount is an eternal source of money, because sadly it is not :(
- I want to go on vacation with my best friends
Happy new year everybody and I hope you've had a great NYE (I did)! :D